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Glossary Disha Bhardwaj 228

Glossary: Nemo Debet Esse Judex In Propria Sua Causa

Definition and Meaning ● Nemo debet judex in propria sua causa is a latin principle which translates…

Glossary Sahil Kumar 236

Glossary: Allegans Contraria Non Est Audiendus

Definition The legal maxim “Allegans Contraria Non Est Audiendus” literally means “a person adducing to the contrary…

Glossary Floren Kesharwani 226


Introduction The word “Vakalatnama” comes from the Persian language, where “nama” means “document” and “vakil” means “lawyer.”…

Glossary Fazila Khan 650

Legal Maxim: Actori Incumbit Onus Probandi

Meaning “Actori incumbit onus probandi” means that the person who makes a claim must prove it. This…

Glossary Paridhi Tiwari 585

Legal Maxim: Expressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius

Meaning “Expressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius” is a Latin term which literally means “the express mention of…

Glossary Disha Bhardwaj 705

Glossary: Volenti Non Fit Injuria

Meaning This maxim has a Latin origin and translates to “to a willing person, it’s not a…

Glossary Anish Sinha 366

Doctrine of Force Majeure

Definition Ordinary event prevents them from performing: “superior force” or “major force” and is often associated with…

Glossary Sahil Kumar 1833


DEFINITION Doctrine of attractive nuisance is a doctrine of tort law under which a person who creates…

Glossary Sahil Kumar 991

Legal Maxim: actio personalis moritur cum persona

Definition This maxim means that any tortious or contractual obligations are destroyed at the death of the…

Glossary Ritwik Verma 17094


DEFINITION Corruption is dishonest external conduct by those in offices of authority, such as managers or administration…

Glossary Ritwik Verma 20925


Meaning Interim orders are non-permanent orders and are temporary in nature and which is passed by the…

Glossary Rishabh Singh 5788


Meaning Disbursement means the payment of money from a fund or account. If the disbursement of paychecks…