What are the powers of the Director General to investigate complaints under the Competition Act?
The Director General under the Competition Act, 2002, investigates anti-competitive practices through powers like summoning individuals, accessing records, and conducting search and seizure. Landmark cases highlight the DG's pivotal role in safeguarding fair competition and consumer welfare.

What are the powers of the Director General to investigate complaints under the Competition Act?
The Director General under the Competition Act, 2002, investigates anti-competitive practices through powers like summoning individuals, accessing records, and conducting search and seizure. Landmark cases highlight the DG's pivotal role in safeguarding fair competition and consumer welfare.

Expanding the Scope of SBO Rules: A Comprehensive look at Recent Legal Precedents and Global Comparisons
India’s evolving SBO rules spotlight transparency in corporate ownership. Recent cases, like LinkedIn India and Samsung Noida, highlight expanded interpretations of control and influence, aligning with global standards to enhance governance and prevent financial misconduct.