How do the Doctrines of Arrest and Attachment before Judgment operate in Civil Procedure?
The doctrines of arrest and attachment before judgment, codified under Order XXXVIII of the CPC, are safeguards to secure justice by preventing evasion or dissipation of assets. Courts apply these extraordinary measures with caution, balancing fairness and procedural integrity.

How do the Doctrines of Arrest and Attachment before Judgment operate in Civil Procedure?
The doctrines of arrest and attachment before judgment, codified under Order XXXVIII of the CPC, are safeguards to secure justice by preventing evasion or dissipation of assets. Courts apply these extraordinary measures with caution, balancing fairness and procedural integrity.

How does the Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation balance power with fairness?
The Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation ensures fairness in governance by protecting individuals' reasonable expectations arising from administrative promises or practices. Balancing trust and accountability, it prevents arbitrary actions while respecting public interest.