Do Computer-Generated works qualify for Copyright Protection?
Copyright law protects original works, including computer software, under India's Copyright Act of 1957. While AI-generated works raise questions about authorship, the Act doesn’t explicitly address them. As AI advances, copyright law may need reform to accommodate these changes.

Do Computer-Generated works qualify for Copyright Protection?
Copyright law protects original works, including computer software, under India's Copyright Act of 1957. While AI-generated works raise questions about authorship, the Act doesn’t explicitly address them. As AI advances, copyright law may need reform to accommodate these changes.

How is Copyright Registered and Protected in India: A Step-by-Step Guide?
Copyright protects creators' original works, granting exclusive rights over reproduction, distribution, and public performance. In India, registration under the Copyright Act, 1957 ensures legal protection, ownership, and opportunities for revenue generation.

Does copyright protection apply to computer-generated works?
The evolution of copyright law now includes protection for computer-generated works, though challenges persist, especially with AI-created content. Questions about originality, human authorship, and ownership highlight the need to adapt laws to modern technological realities.