President of South Sudan Delays Elections Again, Now Planned for 2026

By Legal Wires 5 Minutes Read

In a crucial move affecting South Sudan’s political landscape, President Salva Kiir Mayardit has extended the country’s transitional period by an additional two years. This decision comes after consultations with various national bodies and institutions. Initially, national elections were scheduled for December 2024, but with the extension, they will now take place on December 22, 2026.

This extension is aimed at providing sufficient time to address and implement vital protocols laid out in the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS). The decision marks another chapter in South Sudan’s ongoing efforts to stabilize its political and economic climate, amid numerous challenges.

Postponement of Elections

  • Elections Postponed to December 2026:
    The elections that were originally set for December 2024 have now been rescheduled to December 22, 2026. This marks the second postponement of the national elections, following an earlier delay when elections initially planned for February 2023 were pushed back to December 2024.
  • Rationale for the Postponement:
    The postponement was influenced by recommendations from both electoral and security institutions. Presidential Adviser on National Security Tut Gatluak explained that the extension was necessary to implement key components of the R-ARCSS, particularly the finalization of the permanent constitution and the completion of the national consensus. Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Dr. Martin Elia Lomuro, further clarified that more time was required to address “pending critical tasks necessary for the successful conduct of elections.”

The Revitalized Peace Agreement and Governance Reforms

  • Commitment to the Peace Agreement:
    Despite the postponement, President Salva Kiir remains committed to the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan. Last year, President Kiir had reaffirmed his government’s dedication to hold elections in December 2024 and ensure the implementation of the agreement’s key chapters, especially those concerning elections and governance reforms.
  • Economic and Security Challenges:
    South Sudan faces serious economic difficulties that have slowed preparations for the elections. For instance, civil servants remain unpaid, and oil exports have been disrupted due to the ongoing conflict in neighboring Sudan. In addition to economic concerns, the country’s security situation remains fragile, with sporadic violence between rival communities continuing to pose a threat to stability. The lingering effects of the civil war that ended with the 2018 peace agreement between President Kiir and First Vice President Riek Machar continue to affect the peace process.

Human Rights Concerns and New Security Law

  • New Security Law:
    A new security law allowing warrantless detentions has raised concerns among human rights groups and Western governments. Critics argue that the law could lead to an oppressive atmosphere during the elections. They fear that the law may be used to suppress dissent and weaken the democratic process, further undermining stability in South Sudan.

Government’s Optimism and Assurances

  • Government’s Assurance:
    Despite the numerous challenges, the South Sudanese government remains optimistic about the extended timeline. Minister Lomuro reassured the public that the government would remain operational during the extended period and use the time to mobilize resources and ensure the effective implementation of the revitalized peace agreement. He emphasized the importance of addressing the country’s critical security and economic issues before moving forward with the elections.

Source: JURIST News

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