Israeli Minister Shuns Norwegian Visit over Palestine Recognition

By Legal Wires 3 Minutes Read

In a significant diplomatic move, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz declined a request from Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide to visit Israel in protest against Norway’s recognition of the Palestinian state.

Israel Katz declined Eide’s request to visit Israel due to “Oslo’s recognition of a Palestinian state, refusal to recognize Hamas as a terror organization, and support for South Africa’s case against Israel in The Hague,”

Katz’s decision was a response to several actions taken by Norway that have strained relations between the two countries.

According to the report, Eide approached Katz during last week’s Nato summit held in Washington, saying: “We have a lot to discuss.”

“You have also done a lot to us,” responded the Israeli minister.

Norway, along with Ireland and Spain, officially recognized Palestine as a state on May 28, also Norway has been a leading advocate for a Palestinian state for over 30 years.

Key Reasons Behind The Rejection:

  • Palestine Recognition: Norway’s formal recognition of Palestine as an independent state strains relations.
  • Hamas Controversy: Norway’s refusal to label Hamas as a terrorist organisation fuels tension.
  • Legal Battles: Norway backs South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice

Context of the Diplomatic Spat:

  • NATO Summit Showdown: Request for visit made during last week’s NATO summit in Washington.
  • Strained Relations Highlighted: Katz’s firm rejection showcases the ongoing complexities and disputes in international diplomacy between Israel and Norway.

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