Siddhi Shubhangi

Siddhi is pursuing BBA.LLB from Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad. She writes about different aspects related to law and society. Through her writings, she wishes to connect with the readers and wants
Mental Healthcare Act, 2017: We don’t need Doctors, we need Oswalds
Siddhi Shubhangi
Mental Healthcare Act, 2017: We don’t need Doctors, we need Oswalds
This paper tries to elucidate the ground picture of mentally-ill people living in India and the need for the country to address it and find solutions.
Can Covid-19 fall under the Legal phrase of Force Majeure?
Siddhi Shubhangi
Can Covid-19 fall under the Legal phrase of Force Majeure?
We are well aware of the lockdown phases, which recently got extended till 31th May, 2020. There is possibility of various contracts, agreements and event which might have got affected in this process. The questions which are being raised is that whether this pandemic, can be considered as an act of
Siddhi Shubhangi
It is also preferably known as “cluster containment strategy or analysis”. Cluster Testing is widely being used across the globe to curb the spread of Covid-19.
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