Parnika Rai

Case Study: Bachpan Bachao Andolan v. Union of India
Parnika Rai
Case Study: Bachpan Bachao Andolan v. Union of India
It was in the year 1996 that the petitioner witnessed the plight of children forced to work in circuses under inhumane and deplorable conditions. At that juncture, the petitioner was able to rescue 18 girls from a circus in Vidisha District of Madhya Pradesh.
Dynamics of Covid-19 and Lessons to be Learnt
Parnika Rai
Dynamics of Covid-19 and Lessons to be Learnt
Whilst battling an ongoing pandemic, learning the lessons it has to offer is as important a parameter as is tackling the predicament. Coronavirus is an extremely relevant topic in today’s contemporary era. The news is ripe with acceleration of cases at a rampant pace, across the globe. The Dynamics
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