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Lex-O-Pedia Floren Kesharwani 361

Sessions of the Indian Parliament

Introduction A cornerstone of democratic values in any representative democracy is the Parliament, which provides a forum…

Lex-O-Pedia Floren Kesharwani 418

Quasi- Contracts

Introduction An act of voluntariness that results in duties for the author and a third party that…

Glossary Floren Kesharwani 977


Introduction The word “Vakalatnama” comes from the Persian language, where “nama” means “document” and “vakil” means “lawyer.”…

Lex-O-Pedia Floren Kesharwani 770

What is Criminal Conspiracy?

Introduction The word conspiracy dates back to the middle of the fourteenth century. Its original meaning was…

Lex-O-Pedia Floren Kesharwani 847

Role Of Lawyers In Administration Of Justice

Introduction The legal profession is without a doubt the mainstay of the justice delivery system and is…