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Lex-O-Pedia Disha Bhardwaj 560

Contingent contracts in Indian Contract Act, 1872

Introduction This concept is defined in the Indian Contract Act, 1872 under chapter III titled contingent contract.…

Glossary Disha Bhardwaj 1590

Glossary: Nemo Debet Esse Judex In Propria Sua Causa

Definition and Meaning ● Nemo debet judex in propria sua causa is a latin principle which translates…

Lex-O-Pedia Disha Bhardwaj 586

Furnishing False Evidence under Indian Penal Code / Bhartiya...

Introduction ●  Evidence refers to the materials or assertions that are admissible in the court to support…

Lex-O-Pedia Disha Bhardwaj 865

Agreements in Restraint of Trade under Indian Contract Act, 1872

Introduction According to Indian Contract Act, one of the essential requirements to form a contract is that…

Case Study Disha Bhardwaj 2058

Case Study: TATA Engineering and Locomotive Company Ltd....

Citation:  1967 SCR (2) 751  Date of judgment:  24 March, 1967  Court: Supreme Court of India Bench: …

Lex-O-Pedia Disha Bhardwaj 1154

Mistake under Indian Contract Act, 1872

Section 10 of the Indian Contract act 1872 lays down that all agreements are contracts if they…

Glossary Disha Bhardwaj 1250

Glossary: Volenti Non Fit Injuria

Meaning This maxim has a Latin origin and translates to “to a willing person, it’s not a…