Asra Mujtaba

What is Doctrine of Severability?
Asra Mujtaba
What is Doctrine of Severability?
Severability means to separate, break up, part. Doctrine of severability means when any provision of a particular statutes is unconstitutional.
What is  Sexual Harassment at Workplace?
Asra Mujtaba
What is Sexual Harassment at Workplace?
Women in India has been victim of discrimination from considerable period, after the Vedic period women has been continuously suffering this discrimination in every class like in religion, education, race and profession
Cyber crime : A Virtual shark of the scene
Asra Mujtaba
Cyber crime : A Virtual shark of the scene
Crime is an illegal activity for which a person can be punished by law. Physical presence of a criminal and thereby resulting injury is not only a mode of committing a crime.
What is the National Commission for Minorities?
Asra Mujtaba
What is the National Commission for Minorities?
The Constitution of India aims at providing the equality and removing the barrier of discrimination and to achieve the aforesaid goal.
Rape, Rapist and Chastisement:
Asra Mujtaba
Rape, Rapist and Chastisement:
Rape, a sexual assault that is growing at a rapid rate across the world. A crime which has different laws in different countries.
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