Ankit Kumar

Change of counsel during legal proceeding in a civil suit
Ankit Kumar
Change of counsel during legal proceeding in a civil suit
In civil suits, a party may change their counsel upon filing a written application to the court, notifying all parties involved. The court may grant such a change after considering the reasons provided and ensuring no undue delay or prejudice to the proceedings. The new counsel must file an appearan
The Restricted Quantum of Freedom of Speech and Expression
Ankit Kumar
The Restricted Quantum of Freedom of Speech and Expression
Freedom of Speech and Expression under Article 19(1)(a) is a fundamental right, considered essential for liberty and the exercise of all other rights. However, Article 19(2) imposes reasonable restrictions to safeguard the sovereignty and integrity of India, security of the State, public order, dece
Modes of Discharge of Contract
Ankit Kumar
Modes of Discharge of Contract
The law of contract, fundamental to societal cooperation, governs relationships such as those between employers and employees, farmers and merchants, and students and educational institutions. According to Section 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872, a contract is an agreement enforceable by law.
The Role of Public Prosecutors In The Administration of Criminal Justice System
Ankit Kumar
The Role of Public Prosecutors In The Administration of Criminal Justice System
In the Indian Criminal Justice System prosecution of accused in the Court done by the State. As Crime is considered as the offence against the state and can imbalance the structure of society as a well-established institution. For that purpose, State appoint the Public Prosecutor and Additional Publ
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