Aishwarya Deep Singh

This website definitely helps one to know the basic points and the practical implementations of what all that is been taught in Law Schools. I am a contributor here because of my interest in the fiel
Sprinklr Story: Data Privacy versus Public Security
Aishwarya Deep Singh
Sprinklr Story: Data Privacy versus Public Security
The Constitution of India includes Right to Privacy under Article 21, which is an essential of right to life and individual freedom. Stressing on the term privacy, it is a powerful idea which was needed to be explained.
Rights of Interstate Migrant workers in the light of COVID-19 pandemic
Aishwarya Deep Singh
Rights of Interstate Migrant workers in the light of COVID-19 pandemic
Since the industrial revolution labour rights are an essential for the economic and social development. The labour movement has been very effective in the enactment of the labour laws of the 19th and 20th century.
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