Ayush Rahi

Contributing Editor at Legal-Wires. An avid reader and researcher in the field of Subaltern Gender Studies and is pursuing his PhD from the Faculty of Law, Lucknow University.
What is an Affidavit?
Ayush Rahi
What is an Affidavit?
An Affidavit (शपथ-पत्र) is a sworn statement or a declaration
Case Study: Aman Preet Singh v. CBI
Ayush Rahi
Case Study: Aman Preet Singh v. CBI
“Interpretation of Section 170 of CrPC“ Citation: LL 2021 SC
Case Study: Rambabu Singh Thakur v. Sunil Arora & Ors.
Ayush Rahi
Case Study: Rambabu Singh Thakur v. Sunil Arora & Ors.
“Criminalisation of politics” Citation:  2020 SCC OnLine SC 178 Date
Case Study: Mukesh Kumar v. The State of Uttrakhand & Ors.
Ayush Rahi
Case Study: Mukesh Kumar v. The State of Uttrakhand & Ors.
“Reservation is not a Fundamental Right” Citation: 2020 SCC OnLine
Punjab Legislative Assembly unanimously rejects the Farmer Bills
Ayush Rahi
Punjab Legislative Assembly unanimously rejects the Farmer Bills
Interestingly the resolution found a unanimous support of the House.
Digital Divide: When discrimination becomes ‘Digital’
Ayush Rahi
Digital Divide: When discrimination becomes ‘Digital’
The digital divide is a term that refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology, and those that don’t or have restricted access. This technology can include radio, mobile, television, personal computers, and the internet.
What is ‘Last Seen Evidence’?
Ayush Rahi
What is ‘Last Seen Evidence’?
Last seen theory means wherein time two persons were ‘seen together’ and later it is found that one of them is dead and the other is alive. So, the time gap between the person seen together and the person found dead is crucial.
Overview: The Transgender Person (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019
Ayush Rahi
Overview: The Transgender Person (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019
After a long-fought battle for their recognition and rights, finally, on April 14th, 2014, the Supreme Court of India in NALSA vs. Union of India legally recognized non-binary gender identities under the umbrella term “transgender persons” as the 3rd gender.
Rethinking MGNREGA: Potential and Need in the hour of COVID-19 pandemic
Ayush Rahi
Rethinking MGNREGA: Potential and Need in the hour of COVID-19 pandemic
Introduced in 2005 by the Government of India, MGNREGA is considered one of the world’s most efficient poverty alleviation schemes. The idea was to provide direct supplementary wage employment to the rural poor by providing them work in public sectors.
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